Monday, November 25, 2013

Update 3: Update 2, pt.2

After finally deciding to postpone the story and work on our assets instead (a good idea, although after the lady from magnetic came in, i felt like we should have thrown a lot more of our weight into level design) the team was tasked to come up with a list of "steampunk like" assets to get the idea flowing of what we could design up. We set the specific perameter of a factory setting, but seeing as many ideas could flow out from a factory, we did as such. I came up with the following (plus one) :)
  1. Wooden crate w/metal trim
  2. Pocket watches
  3. Guitars (for the factory hands?)
  4. Steam drill
  5. Rivet guns
  6. Torches
  7. I-beams
  8. Sheet metal
  9. Phonograph
  10. Steam engine
  11. Hammer
  12. Wood saws (powered)
  13. Steam vents (pipes)
  14. Propaganda banners
  15. Water barrels
  16. Anvil
  17. Company logos
  18. Coal piles
  19. Shovels
  20. Large, high torque gears
  21. Smaller, machine gears
  22. Hard hats
  23. Wooden/metal support beams
  24. Tin sheet roofs
  25. Kiln for large steam engine
  26. Large factory clock (composed of mostly gears)
  27. Factory whistle
  28. Textile spinner
  29. Thread rolls (finished; ready to ship)
  30. Sewing machines
  31. Steam powered hydraulic hammer
  32. Smelter
  33. Raw ore
  34. Metal ingots
  35. Headlamps
  36. Hand lamps
  37. Beer wenches
  38. Industrial sized torch (jet engine looking thing)
  39. Vests and trench coats
  40. Bandanas
  41. Levers and pullies
  42. Steam train and tracks (elevated and such) into/out of factory
  43. Ore drill (large machine; man operated)
  44. Coal carts
  45. Locker room/showers
  46. Crane for large loads (gear driven)
  47. Factory foreman (w/ suit, tophat, and monacle)
  48. Corsett (maybe on the bosses hot daughter xD)
  49. Goggles (welding, mining, debris protection, etc...)
  50. Dynamite for blasting
  51. Laser guns
We then took our combined lists, decided to not really use the lists for anything, and instead chose a steampunk circus as our setting. I was not very fond of that idea, it didnt really appera to me, and i felt like it was not something i would enjoy doing.

The idea of a carnival, or an amusement park instead of just a circus was brought up; i was a little warmer to this idea, mostly because it reminded me of the midway in Bioshock Infinite, but also because there was much much MUCH more potential there.

But for the moment, the team was told to come up with circus relevent ideas. Jun and I were tasked with coming up with assets, Spencer and Earl were to create platform, and Lexie and Wes were to figure out the characters. Some preliminary sketches:

Just a few sketches, nothing too fancy at this point, but it lead to iteration, and a defined list of what we needed for a level.

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