Monday, November 25, 2013

Update 2: Lets bring this baby up to speed!!

So, entering Thanksgiving week, as well as the final three weeks or so of class this semester, it has come to my attention through a not so happy email that i have super neglected to update my blog here.... well lets change that!!

Since the end of prototyping, I have been put onto a super fun, razzle dazzle, game team to make "reflection!" (or some other name probably) and so far it has been fairly smooth sailing.

The first week or so was a bit touch and go, our team was basically split into the art/tech teams (i being an ar-teest) with the art team working on a story for our game as well as an art style. Well, id like to say that was a smooth process, but through the first two weeks, we struggled to define our story and what made our steampunk style compelling. We came up with various sidecar ideas to compliment the steampunk theme, such as high fantasy, noir, western, dark gothic fantasy, cyber steampunk, the list goes on haha

All the while we began to develop concept art for what direction we though we ought to head with the story and feel of the game.

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