Monday, December 2, 2013

Update 5: pt. 2

From the preliminary sketches, our team was able to generate these bad boys!

Big BIG fan of the colors, turned out really good :) seems like we have become set on our process, now we simply need to start churning out assets and get our story finished. That will be our big challenge this next week; where are we going to take this game??

Update 5: New Game Plan

Upon the review of our first string of assets, we decided to "assembly line" our process, much like in the sense of a comic book. Wes and I became charged with the line style and outline of each asset, Spencer and Jun were tasked with color, and Lexie and Earl became in charge of shading.

Update 4: Update 2 pt. 3 xD

With a now more defined list of what we would need in hand, we developed ourselves a concrete style guide (actually, we did this almost first thing, but its relevance now is shown with our more finalized assets haha) as per our style guide, i generated these fine looking primary assets: 

Above are a simple button machine, a crank machine, two platforms, a floating platform (can float vertically and horizontally) and a steam vent (to lift the player into the air)